New Adult Educator Training
Transform learning into a living, growing process with New Adult Educator processes.
Using the sevenfold learning processes, NALA invites individuals seeking new ways to deepen their learning capacity through transformation and creativity. Moving from self-knowledge to a wisdom-filled worldview and into newly awakened creative forces, these processes strengthen not only self-development but also the co-creation of community and destiny. Divided into three paths, each path deepens participants’ capacities to practice the sevenfold process of learning through discussion, artistic experiences, movement and journaling.
Paths of Learning
Path One: Learning to Learn – Introduction to the dynamic sevenfold process and the practice of transforming knowledge into new wisdom
Path Two: Destiny Learning – Awaken to karma and destiny and experience how your past is both holding you back and leading you forward.
Path Three: Creative Spiritual Research – Creating the new by working with the self and spirit and consciously cultivating our relationship with spirit through interests, intentions, and initiative.
The delivery of each individual path is as follows:
An 8-day in-person intensive (three intensives to complete the training)
Seven intensive weekend retreats (three retreats – 21 weekends in total – to complete the training)
Individuals are encouraged to reach out to NALA to either express interest in attending an upcoming intensive or collaborate to create a new form of delivery by filling out a contact form below.