
Each person is born with unique talents, challenges, and life intention.  While life brings us experiences by which we learn, stepping onto a conscious path of development enriches our gifts and connects us to the new for the self, the other, and the world.  Connections develops capacities of individual learning and ongoing transformation.  The program is for personal and professional development. Connections can be be offered in 3 one-week intensives, a series of 10 weekend sessions, 3 – 8 week 2 hour online sessions or a combo of in-person and online weekends.  We welcome inquiries.


  • Path 1 – Sevenfold Learning  – Practicing transforming knowledge into new wisdom
  • Path 2 – The Path Inward – Awakening to karma and destiny
  • Path 3 – Creative Spiritual Research  – Co-creating the new in the self and world

Path 1 – The Sevenfold Path

Learn and practice the sevenfold path that moves from self knowledge to a wisdom-filled worldview and onto newly awakened creative forces for life.  Movement and Watercolour Painting.

Path 2 – The Path Inward  

Step onto the path of karma and experience how your past is both holding you back and leading you forward.   Remember your destiny intention, which has the potential to transform your moon karma into sun karma. Movement & Pastel Exercise

Path 3 – Creative Spiritual Research

We were once naturally in communication with the spiritual world.  As we evolved, we lost this connection and can now cultivate our relationship consciously through our interests, intentions, and initiative.   Become a co-creator with spirit and live into your unique destiny. Speech & Clay Work.